How to Develop an AR Hair Color App?

And the market giant L’Oréal enters the app market with a bang!

With its applications like Makeup Genius and My Hair[id] L’Oréal is giving its users a never before experience, where with the help of augmented reality, users can take make-up tutorials and even try out the latest hairstyles and quirky hair colors.

Augmented hair color try on applications are gaining popularity these days and helping users feel beautiful like never before. 

It’s not just L’Oréal, but other top beauty brands like Maybelline, Yves Rocher, Smashbox, CoverGirl, and Rimmel London are also following the same path. 

If you want a similar product for your brand, connect with an AR Hair Color App development team and see the magic they can create. 

Before you decide to hire a development team for your AR Hair Color App, here’s a basic of how things work. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Develop an AR Hair Color App

Study the Market 

Make sure that you research the market and check what kinds of applications are trending in your niche. To make a product that offers solutions to the users in a way that no other product does, you need to ensure your product offers all the advantages of existing products and also covers their pitfalls. 

There are various virtual hair color try on apps in the market that you can study for the result. 

Prepare the Scope of the Market 

Mindmap with your team what you exactly want and how do you want things to function. Create a clear and concise scope document that can be used to explain your vision to the development team. The scope of your project would include: 

  1. Target audience 
  2. Geography
  3. Platforms of development (Android, iOS, or Hybrid)
  4. Feature set of your hair styling app
  5. Revenue model 
  6. Additional information

Research for the Development Team  

The next in the line is to find the right hair color app development team that has worked on AR-based projects in the past. You can refer to this guide to hire the right mobile app developers  that can help you achieve your business goals. 

Connect with the Development Team and Regular Scrums 

Once you have decided on the mobile app development company you’d be partnering with, be a part of their discussions. This would make them feel you are always around to clear their confusion and share your feedback on things that are achieved.

This helps you bridge the initial communication gap and get an application that is an outcome of your vision.

Testing of the Application 

It is important before your application is deployed it is tested for perfection. Ask your development team to check the functions and features and ask their QA team if any point is left. 

**Pro Tip**

Before you enter the market with a fully developed solution, pick a beta solution that can help you have the audience’s first-hand experience and give you an insight into the functionalities of your application. 

Wrapping It Up!

Entering the market with a solution that lets people experiment with their looks is a risk. Some of these applications gain great popularity and others fall to the face. It is important that you partner with the right mobile app development company that understands your market and your business idea and delivers a solution that is a result of your vision.

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